Who hates laundry more than I? No one. The laundry gods hate me. It seems like my whole day EVERYDAY consist of doing laundry. I am either washing, drying, folding, hanging, sorting or something.
I really hate to do laundry. As a matter of fact, I have been known to buy undergarments just so I don't have to do more laundry. I know, it is a little bit embarrassing, but I bet many of you have done the same thing.
I hate laundry. It never ends. Even if a miracle occurred and I finished all the laundry in the house, someone would walk in covered with mud and grass stains, strip off their clothes and toss them in the hamper, thereby creating a new load of laundry to do.
I have not seen the bottom of my hamper since the day I bought it. I don’t even know if it has a bottom. For all I know, it could be a huge tunnel of laundry going clear to the center of the earth, never ending, always half full of smelly socks and mustard stained t-shirts. At least, I hope that’s mustard.
There was a time that I didn’t care about laundry. When I was little, laundry was easy—I didn’t do it. One day I was wearing my last pair of clean underwear, and that afternoon the laundry fairy (also known as mom) magically placed a week’s worth of clean underwear in my drawer. In terms of laundry, this was the best time of my life.
Then I grew up.
But even then, I didn’t notice how much laundry I had. I lived with my parents until I got married so my mom would do my laundry and have it folded and all I needed to do was put it in its place, so she was the laundry fairy.
Then one day, the laundry fairy went on strike, so I had a cleaning lady that would come and do my laundry for me and again all I had to do was put it in its place.
Then I got married. And I entered the “don’t touch my hand washables” phase. In our house, My husband did the laundry once and we ended up with pastel pink clothes. I mean come on, who does not know that you need to keep the reds and whites away from each other?
Of course, even though married laundry involves twice as much washing as single laundry, at least you see the bottom of the hamper from time to time. It’s when you have a child that the laundry never ends. Who knew that one tiny little baby who can’t even speak or roll over could produce enough laundry for an army? And not one outfit is bigger than 6 inches, so why does your laundry multiply faster than rabbits in spring?
I think it has to do with the spit up. At the beginning all parents want to change their child 100 times a day either due to the spit up or pooping or something, now thats with your first child, which is why you have the hamper full of laundry.
Anyway, my laundry life has come full circle. It’s pretty apparent that I have become the laundry fairy. I’m kind of disappointed, actually. I mean, the laundry fairy title just kind of stuck to me. There wasn’t any ceremony granting me freshly laundered wings. I didn’t get a magic wand equipped with the power to lift any stain. All I got was a bottle of Shout and some bleach.
I had a dream that one day my husband would be the one doing all the laundry but with his schedule that does not happen. I can say that he has learned and does not mix colors but its still no help. My husband does not wash clothes unless it is his own because he says "I dont know how to wash the kids clothes" I think that is just an excuse so that he does not have to help me. Maybe one day my laundry fairy will come off strike and take over my job. :)
Back to laundry I go! Happy Laundry Days!!!
Lol this blog is awesome. I have actually been considering..and I swear im dead serious...hiring a kid or someone to come to my house just to do my laundry. It has been an ongoing FML situation lol for like the past 6 months. I will do the laundry as far as washing... but once it hits the dryer and then goes back in our room...yeah it never gets put away. I will like lay it in piles on the bed and then I just cant bring myself to hanging or putting away. Hubbs has issues with it too. Idk what our prob is. I think its cuz when we moved..we lost alot of our closet space. So no matter what I do..my clotehs will never fit. Its so bad. Then they will sit tehre and sometimes get wrinkley so then its a vicious cycle which requires rewashing. I LOATHE laundry. I honestly think itd be worth the labor costs to pay someone. Lol that and maybe a few other things. I barely have any time off and I def would rather relax the lil bit I do.
ReplyDeletePrime example...right now, I havent even slept in my bed in almost 3 days lol because teh laundry is piled neatly on it. Yeah..its gotten that bad. I suck. Ohhh and have u thought abt how weird itll be to not have the two types of laundry.. camis and regular. lol. We have 1 bucket rubbermaid hamper thing for regular clothes and one for all things USMC issued. heheh. Lord, when we have kids... Ill def being sending laundry out. hahah
Girl I have a laundry hamper for me, one for just the kids and one for army pts and ACU's. Its never ending in my house! I think if I had enough clothes to last me all year I would just wear it and throw it away.. ha ha ha if I was only rich!
ReplyDeleteAhahahha I soo agree. PS-- i couldnt get my old blog to update so u should be able to find the new one through my follower profile but if not its: http://semperfidelisamiamor.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteLol,try doing laundry at my house.I have 5 kids plus a husband and myself.Not to mention Olivia's clothes and stuff I have been getting ready.It never ends.And I hate socks and have been known to go by new ones just so I don't have to mate the others,lol.I have seprate hampers too.Except my husband has a hard time finding it somedays when it is right in front of his face.He isn't allowed to do laundry either cause of a pink issue.
ReplyDeleteAmanda I would go crazy!