
About Me

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My name is Lucinda. I have been an Army wife for 7 years and we are now going to be transitioning to civilian life. I had a forum for military wives but now I decided my time would be better spent blogging to all my fellow wives and how things are going with the transition.

Friday, July 16, 2010

7 months and counting........


So today July 16,2010 is exactly 7 months from my husbands Expiration Term of Service (ETS) date from the Army. There is still SO much we need to do and it feels like we do not have enough time to do it. I like to think that everything will work itself out but I am not sure I believe that in this case. The economy is not that great right now and jobs are hard to come by. So that makes me ask myself: Is this the right choice for my family? I mean I know it will be good for my children since my husband will be "IN COUNTRY" all of their lives from here on out and he will not have to miss anything but at the same time its been 10 years and this is all he knows........

So now I sit here and think about what I need to get done before we get out and a lot of things come to mind... law enforcement Pictures, Images and PhotosI need to see what career path my husband wants to take. As of now he wants to be something in law enforcement, now the problem with that is with this economy there is a freeze on most law enforcement hiring. So he wants to try to get into the prisons as a guard in California so that is what I am going off of now. So now the question is where to live? Should we buy a house or should we rent? We have 3 vehicles so... should we sell two and keep one, should we sell one and keep two or do we keep all three?? Another question is do I go back to work in a "traditional" job Dental Assistant 2 Pictures, Images and Photosor do I stay home with my kids as I have been for the past year and a half well by that time it will be two years? Now if I go back to work will i put my kids in an at home daycare or a traditional daycare? I am not sure about any of these things...but I do know that time will creep up on me and it will be here before you know it...
With the army the soldier is suppose to be able to take terminal leave which is 60 days early, if this is the case then we would only have 5 months til we have to move...

I will be finding out all the information I can to make this transition easier and see what decisions I make a long the way. I hope this is easier than the headache I am giving myself.

1 comment:

  1. If I am constantly stressed does it mean that subconsciously what I really want is desserts?

    My husband ETSed almost 11 yrs ago now... last week he got his PhD and a new job... he is no longer known as the commo guy.

    cheers, it will work out!
